Dissertation Idea: Telltale signs of Anorexia

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Dissertation Idea: Telltale signs of Anorexia

February 5, 2024 Blogs Sample Papers 0

Dissertation Idea

Signs of Anorexia

There are many telltale signs of anorexia which include bouts of depression, constipation and abnormal bodily swelling, weakness and very little energy, rotting of teeth accompanied by damage to the gums, memory loss and slow responses, dizzy spells accompanied by headaches and fainting, brittle nails and dry yellowish skin, sprouting of fine hair over most parts of the body and face.  There is a marked difference between anorexia and healthy dieting. Healthy dieting is the effort to control whereas anorexia is the attempt to control emotions. Research has proved that anorexics can suffer severe medical complications in every organ of the body.

What is Anorexia?

Anorexia is especially damaging for adolescents. It can retard healthy physical and mental development and cause many other problems.  Most people who go on a healthy diet do so in an attempt to improve health and appearances whereas anorexics think that losing weight will make them happy and irrespective of the damage to their health, all that matters to anorexics is losing weight at any cost. Although these conditions improve with the restoration of normal diets and complete recovery may be possible, but sometimes the condition is practically irreversible. Besides, the long-term effect of anorexia is not known and a weakened body structure might experience complications in later life.

Dangerous Complications

The most dangerous complications for anorexics can be heart diseases which can cause the death of the anorexic. A large percentage of the deaths of adults are due to eating disorders. Cardiac problems may be present in the early stages of anorexia in adolescents who suffer the illness even for a short period of time. For both future treatment and outcome studies, researchers must scrutinize issues of statistical influence, research patterns including the use of comparable effects across studies, and sophistication and appropriateness of statistical analyses

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