History Thesis Idea: Anne Boleyn

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History Thesis Idea: Anne Boleyn

February 21, 2016 Blogs Sample Papers 0

History Thesis Idea

Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn, the queen consort of Henry the VII and his formal mistress, has played a crucial role in the history of British Monarchy. The most prominent role she played was to bewitch the king’s heart and to persuade him to form the Catholic Church of England and separation from the Roman Catholic Church. She has a small period of three years (1533 -1536) living as a queen which end by her execution on the orders of his beloved master- Henry VII. Calling her the dismal in distress would be long as many historians believe that what befell on her was purely the result of her own wrong doings for her own mean.

16th century England was a patriarchal society in which man was considered superior to woman. This prevailing attitude cause Henry VII great agitation as his first wife Catherine of Aragon could not bear him a male child that will continue his legacy.

As a result of this, King frequently started to seek intimate relations with different mistresses for a male offspring. Anne was not the first mistress the king ever had, but she was one of the most influential mistresses he ever had.

Many historians believe that her sister, Mary Boleyn, had the privilege to bed with the king before Anne did. At that time, Anne was just among the courtesans and after some time left to France for to serve as a maid of honor to Claude of France. She came with refined character and attitudes which were enough to allure the king and distract him from other mistresses including her sister.

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