Review: Parable of the Sower by Octavia E.Butler
Parable of the Sower
The parable of the Sower is the first science fiction book written by Octavia E. Butler, which is published in 1993. The storyline is set in a future where the government does not exist; it revolves around a young woman named Lauren Olamina who possesses hyper-empathy, which is the ability to feel the perceived pain and other sensations of other people. Lauren Olamina develops a benevolent philosophical and spiritual system during her childhood in the remnants of a gated community in Los Angeles.
The story starts off with Lauren, her family, and other members of the society are living in a prison like the neighborhood. If anyone in the society wished to go outside their neighborhood, they have to be armed in order to survive. The thieves and drug addicts are constantly roaming around the vicinity, who are in constant efforts to hurt the people within the vicinity.
There is no future for the adolescents and children within the virtual prison. In this society, the level of unemployment continuous to increase, and their lives become worst day by day, along with getting poorer and poorer. The federal government is completely powerless and unable to improve the situation of the localities.
The only saving grace for these people is to move to the company town Olivar, but the people who opt for this option value security much more than freedom. The reason for this is that moving to the company town Olivar means that the people’s lives are controlled by the company. Lauren the main character of the novel refuses to select shifting to Olivar as an option.
Community’s Security
When the community’s security is compromised, her house is destroyed and her family murdered. After facing such predicaments, she goes to the north with some of the survivors knowing that the journey would not be a safe one. She has no idea as to what she has to do, or where she has to go. Other survivors include Zahra Moss who was kept under control by her husband, Jill and Allie Gilchrist were forced by their father to become prostitutes and Emery Solis was in debt to her employer so worked as a slave for him.
When the group reaches the Bankole’s property, they are free to make the decision if they want to stay there or not. Even though they still faced problems in trying to survive, they were free from the prison they once inhabited. In order to start off a community where her religion, called Earthseed would grow. Earthseed is a fictional idea which states “God is Change”.
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