Persuasive Essay: Alternative Energy

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Persuasive Essay: Alternative Energy

December 16, 2015 Blogs Sample Papers 0

Persuasive Essay

Alternative Energy

Alternative energy is the form of energy which can replace the existing harmful and exhausting sources of energy and prevent the current energy crisis. The purpose of development of the alternative energy is not only restricted to minimization of the energy crises, instead, it also associated with the unfavorable ecological situation of the natural environment. The current sources of energy such as coal, gas, and oil are scarce as well as expensive. In addition, these sources are even harmful to the ecology for the reason that these sources damage the human health, air, and soil and pollute the environment.Furthermore, the pollutants and the wastes that originate because of processing coal and oil and extremely hazardous of the living beings and the environment. Therefore, the people should swiftly shift their interest towards the utilization of alternative energy which is inexhaustible, cheap, and safe.

Some of the most effective and environmentally friendly sources of alternative energy are hydel energy, solar energy, and wind energy. The people need to learn to use these powers of nature in the right manner and they will certainly assist them to reduce the harmful effects of their activities on the environment. In the current situation of energy crises, deployment of alternative energy is the most appropriate solution.

Persuasive Essay:

While composing a persuasive essay on alternative energy, a student needs to critically analyze different aspects of alternative energy and convince the readers of the reliability of his arguments.

The students are expected to prepare a quality description of the problem on alternative energy and present the pros and cons of alternative energy to prove its benefits or ineffectiveness. A persuasive essay usually has a subjective tone; therefore, the student does not need to worry while quoting distinctive opinions of different people.

The majority of the students find it difficult to write a persuasive essay for the reason that an inexperienced person is not aware of the appropriate techniques of convincing writing. Therefore, a custom model paper on a persuasive essay on alternative energy can aid students in empowering their writing and formatting skills. All our papers are adequately formatted with the required formatting styles. We also include ample references to support the arguments presented in the paper.

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