Cultural Impact on Food Consumption
Impact Of Culture
Food Consumption – Cultures have a strong impact on human activities; it is a general perspective that culture is a set of some norms and rules that give guidance to a human being to live in a specific group. However, culture having a shared quality and transferred or transmitted specific sets of norms and values generation to generation. It has been argued that cultures possess the quality of “inviolate template” which has been observed as the rulebook that guides and assists people in their attitudes and behavior. Moreover, the process takes almost 20 to 30 years to modified overall sets of regulation that exert significant influence human life and depend on various concerning factors. As culture strongly influenced human behavior, similarly these norms and values would greatly influence human food concepts that have been categorized according to the classification of places and region.
Nutrition and Social Norms
Determination of nutrition and usage of social norms and frameworks generally presents nutritional prohibitions and remedies. Therefore, it should be to avoid or special nutritional swallowed up by social gatherings. From a broader social context as part of nutrition package, anatomy race and human physiology point of view, as well as the ethnographic model of health and disease, on a regular basis to create taboos and nutritional medicines specific.
Our diet has a tendency to decide further solidarity and social associations close to us. One explanation for this is for the behavior of others is versatile, we believe that its realization. Proper diet criterion is to determine by the behavior of others, in addition to the common social aspirations and natural signs. Important criteria are developed by other people can compare us to distinguish people identified. If the level is very important then rule can match the behavior, but this depends on the different components, for example, standard consideration, degree of attention and degree of social acceptance of other rules of competition.

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